My name is Cristina. I’m twenty-two years old. I was born on September 17th, 1.987. I’ a girl. My address is Barriada Juan Carlos I, 34-1. I’m from Spain and I’m living in Ceuta. I have got one mother and one father and one sister, but also, I have got two grandmothers and one grandfather. I don’t work, I’m a student.
I’m one metre and seventy-five centimetres tall. My weigh is sixty-three kg. I have got an oval face, thick eyebrows, almond eyes, small ears, small nose, well-defined lips, charming smile, healthy teeth, smooth skin.
My hair is straight, shoulder- length and brown. I’m wearing glasses, casual clothes and I’m not wearing jewellery.
My hobbies are, go to walk, go to the cinema, read books, go out with my friends, navegate in the web. My favourite food are chiken, pizza, soup, vegetables, fruit and chocolate biscuit.
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